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Scientific Based Meditation

Meditation and the science behind it! You may ask yourself, "why does this idiot include meditation" in the medical section of a survival website. Meditation article sandwiched between ginger root and red alder articles? A lot of people consider meditation and chakra to be bogus, misguided, religion or a scam. I understand. I was once in that same camp.

But I am a scientist at heart and have a degree that is a scientifically based field of study. I am far from a tree hugging, drugged up hippie wanting to "Find myself". I am quite the opposite! So again why am I pushing this pseudo-science crap?

What is a scientist? A scientist goes with facts. A scientist looks at unbiased evidence, a scientist tests. A good scientist lets the facts guide their conclusions and not the other way around. Today, sadly, there are so many scientists that just can't seem to actually follow the scientific method without interjecting their own beliefs.

So if you are a believer in meditation, great! If you think it is crazy BS, then you are actually guilty of exactly what you think of when you think of weird nut jobs, that believe in magic. You are guilty of this and actually worse! You are rejecting, exactly what you criticize others for rejecting. Science! That is right, modern day scientists have repeatedly proven countless medical benefits of meditation.

If you have always discounted meditation as hocus pocus without taking the time to investigate the scientific research that supports it. Well that is another matter. I too, never bothered to look into something that seemed so fake or exaggerated.

I had my eyes opened to ALTERNATE medicine, many years ago. By who you ask? NIH! It had nothing to do with mediation, but instead, another controversial medical practice, Acupuncture.

My wife and kids participated in an NIH research study on a genetically inherited disease that they are afflicted with. One of the treatments my wife's father got, as he was also a participant, was acupuncture. Before the treatment he could barely climb stairs. After one day of treatment, he was immediately climbing stairs without even needing to hold the handrail, unthinkable just hours before.

The craziest thing about the entire ordeal was that after the miraculous improvement, he still could not admit that this crazy witch doctor crap actually helped him. Are you just as stubborn as he was?

I have a willingness to let the facts lead me to the truth. Science says meditation has numerous medical benefits? Proven repeatedly! So open your mind and don't limit your health to only allow in traditional medical practices.

Continue on to Meditation from a scientific perspective.

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